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so how is it? :)
« on: 03 January, 2012, 11:23:10 AM »

you shoudl be about endgame by now ^^ anything to report pvp, pve and other content? balance etc :)
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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #1 on: 03 January, 2012, 12:29:02 PM »

It's ok, but the engine is buggy as anything. For instance, it doesn't support hyper threading, so new machines can have choppy or low fps 0.o I am playing on he RP pvp server with a guild on the republic side. Got to say, it's nowhere near as much fun as sith - I was considering switching sides and playing with tda, but seems we are all on diff servers. Honestly, it 'could' bea good game. It's very linear, buggy, and far too much like a beta test if I am being honest. Be aware of this when thinking of paying your money.
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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #2 on: 03 January, 2012, 03:34:44 PM »

It's fun, I really enjoy it, but I don't think its proper finished yet.

The PvP is interesting, huttball is funny :) (american football with traps and killing)

I'm playing a bounty hunter (lvl35) on The Kumungah pvp server and being Empire is alot more fun than Republic.

The quests and class quests are cool. Some of the things you do affect your companions and future story lines.

Also the instances (flashpoints) are different. They are story driven so the choices you make mean that you can have different versions of the same instance.



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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #3 on: 03 January, 2012, 05:20:52 PM »

Reminds me of otehr games where EA was involved, I think i went something like this... (dream-like flashback sequence):

Random BioWare Employee = RBE

Early 2011, somewhere in game developerland...

EA: So when is it ready?
RBE 1&2: hmm about 20 dec sounds good
EA: Sounds good to me.

Later that yea...

RBE1: hey RBE2 I just found this GW2... ehm I just totally came up with this story line dungeon..ehm flashpoint thing
RBE2: eh?
RBE1: yea it will be awesome!

November 2011...

RBE1: soooo EA?
EA: yea?
RBE1: We came up with this super kewl idea with timeline dungeo... ehm... flashpoints..
EA: mhmm...
RBE2: and we woundered if we could release it abit later then expected?
EA: well you can release it when it is ready!
RBE1: but bu... waaa?! So we get more time?
EA: You said it would be ready by 20. dec, so yea you have to 20. dec.
RBE1&2: .....
EA: good we all agree then!

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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #4 on: 03 January, 2012, 10:41:09 PM »

It's a good game. But as mentioned before, some thing could use tweaking. Overall it looks good, plays well and has lots of fun videos and questing.

The pvp side is pretty fun. But with only 3 warzones, that might lose its appeal after hitting 50 and getting the gear you want.

Another big thing will be perma CC. You can effectively lock someone down and rape them with 2 ppl. Almost nothing can be done against that and healing wont keep up. This makes for nice teamplay chances, but also means if you aren't in a coordinated group you get raped easy. And you cannot do anything about it.

The biggest issue right now is that everyone who pvps joins the same queues. So you get premade lvl 50 groups against a random mix of lvl 10-50.. This can turn out good, but also means you have no chance in hell in others (and ofc sometimes you win easy as well).

It has potential, but they tried to get too much into the game to make everything polished. I mean you get the huge amount of questlines and videos to go along with that. With multiple choices and different classes that means a LOT of videos. Also they implemented spaceships and along with them space combat. Which is sort of like oldschool Wing Commander single player shooting (quite fun since I loved WC)!

We should group up on some server! Even if its just everyones alt! So which server has the most of us and lets roll!


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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #5 on: 04 January, 2012, 11:51:28 AM »

agree with most of the points here, especially the last one; assuming enough people are playing. I would suggest the server I am on and the guild I am in. it's light side, but the guild is being run by a friend of mine and only allows mature/older people. it's small but an excellent community. they are the only reason i am playing this side, tbh. However, if we went somewhere else, i would want to play sith.
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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #6 on: 04 January, 2012, 09:44:23 PM »

By this weekend I should have a 50 sorc ready. Then I can reroll something anywhere and have a laugh. I'll be going melee mode for sure, still a few options open there though.

So we can all join a server where someone has a good guild (like Adoc's or Gont's for example) or we can all reroll elsewhere. I don't really mind. I just want to enjoy another class, not rushing it, doing pvp from about 16 when you get enough skills etc. I don't mind which side we end up on, can go evil anywhere anyway. And the classes are all mirrored!!


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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #7 on: 07 January, 2012, 07:30:04 PM »

Sounds like a plan. I will speak to my pal about once people decide which server - republic (mine) or sith (adoc). For the mean time, I am on lord calypho server (RP pvp). Playing Aluvio, human smuggler/gunslinger. Send me a tell if you fancy trying out the republic.
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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #8 on: 07 January, 2012, 10:12:57 PM »

soooooo. is the game just a big beta test still (how many times a week do they patch balance issues etc)? or is it worth spending some money on?


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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #9 on: 08 January, 2012, 12:56:00 PM »

Sent you a reply via the forum message system today feits. Might I make a suggestion that we play sith on my server (lord calypho)? A few reasons for this: some of the republic guild I am with will alt on he other side of the server, which is a good thing; we get to kill people we might know in pvp, which is always funny; it's a good server, decent pvp and a mix of players due to it's status as an RP-pvp server. Anyways, willing to roll a toon there on sith I people are interested.

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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #10 on: 08 January, 2012, 11:25:15 PM »

Which server is that again? Lord Calyph (misread first time)!  I'm thinking about a duo (stealthers most likely) with a mate. We could (if you guys go someplace, should) do it out there then!

And Tenzor, stop invading vent without saying hi! I've got the announcements turned off, so you need to talk to be noticed!
« Last Edit: 08 January, 2012, 11:29:21 PM by Aerendur »


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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #11 on: 09 January, 2012, 10:53:00 AM »

Lord Calypho RP-pvp server. Been reading about mirror balance and rep vs sith. If we are planning to do any pvp then we should deffo go sith, their spells are actually better! Can link the forum discussion if interested; it' s comical stuff.

I have a sith immortal named Agrik I will have a muck aout with later on. Not sure what I might play from scratch. Either a power tech or a sorc I expect. Let me know when you roll/ name and we can hook up. Oh, Dirlos is up for this too, so hats possibly five if Feit gives it a go. Who knows, we migh be able to twist tnzor's arm...
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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #12 on: 09 January, 2012, 12:22:25 PM »

Lord Calypho RP-pvp server. Been reading about mirror balance and rep vs sith. If we are planning to do any pvp then we should deffo go sith, their spells are actually better! Can link the forum discussion if interested; it' s comical stuff.

I have a sith immortal named Agrik I will have a muck aout with later on. Not sure what I might play from scratch. Either a power tech or a sorc I expect. Let me know when you roll/ name and we can hook up. Oh, Dirlos is up for this too, so hats possibly five if Feit gives it a go. Who knows, we migh be able to twist tnzor's arm...

That does sound interesting! They say that the sage's aoe heal is actually better than the sorc's one. But I have no idea if that is true or not. And without combat logs it is rather hard to compare anything!

I don't mind playing on either side, but if republic is the underdog, then wouldn't you get more fights as the underdog realm? Even if you are slightly behind on some spells they will fix that in the end.

If Feiten (and possibly Tenzor) join then we got a decent group for pvp'ing.

About the sorc, I like mine quite a bit. It took a bit of catching up. But now I'm 50 and with 2 champ parts and some crafted purples I can hold my own a lot better. And actually heal the group in the proces! You do go down like a wimp if you are undergeared and your bubble runs out though!

So far it seems that Trooper/BH are rather OP! And the burst of some stealths is amazing (although I do wonder if that isn't simply a gear issue rather than the class being out of whack!)!


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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #13 on: 09 January, 2012, 01:00:55 PM »

<That does sound interesting! They say that the sage's aoe heal is actually better than the sorc's one. But I have no idea if that is true or not. And without combat logs it is rather hard to compare anything! >

Here's the thread about how the mirror clas system is biased towards Sith. the evidence is staggering. It's also a very funy read: nerd rage, drama, denial, bitch-slapping - it's all there!

<I don't mind playing on either side, but if republic is the underdog, then wouldn't you get more fights as the underdog realm? Even if you are slightly behind on some spells they will fix that in the end.>

This is a funny one imo (as a republic player on a sith dominated server) and it reminds me of our early days in Rift. As you may recall in Rift early on, we were in the less populated side. this meant we got a lot of matches and the game was fun. However, shortly after it became apparent that the opposing side had (a) more people (b) small advantages in terrain. The latter was addressed, but that that point it was too late; the enemy had more geared people. Oh, and jsut more people, so soon we were getting farmed in at least 50% of matches.

It's the same atm in SWKOTR. The imbalances apparent at the minute mean the sith outnumber the republic, have more 50s, who in turn have more pvp gear. The only difference between this and Rift is that you can reque in WZs with no penalties. Consequently, pre-50 for republic goes something like this: you queue. You see if the sith have a ton of 50s. if not, you stay. if they do, you leave and requeue. Do you see the problem? You get into more matches, but you reque a lot to save not being steam-rolled due to the imbalnce. Also, the class differences ar HUGE. Honestly, take time to look at the thread, it's a gob-smacker  :o

<If Feiten (and possibly Tenzor) join then we got a decent group for pvp'ing.>

<About the sorc, I like mine quite a bit. It took a bit of catching up. But now I'm 50 and with 2 champ parts and some crafted purples I can hold my own a lot better. And actually heal the group in the proces! You do go down like a wimp if you are undergeared and your bubble runs out though!>

<So far it seems that Trooper/BH are rather OP! And the burst of some stealths is amazing (although I do wonder if that isn't simply a gear issue rather than the class being out of whack!)!>

This would seem to be true, by all accounts. Although the IA and the BH are far superior to their Republic counterparts. For example, I play a Gunslinger - pvp specced. My stun roots me to the ground when i use it, the IA's does not. His stun has a 60 sec base cooldown, mine 90s. His ranged aoe strikes on cast, mine has a travel and animation delay. Thes are to name a few.

All in all, Sith rules. That being said, if you insist on being Republic, then I am in. My guild is populated by decent and mature people. Your call dudes.

Gonty Gont Gont.

Edit (sort of): Whenever I reread these I always spot a ton of typos and thnk "bloody hell, you really should type slowly and not rush". Then I think "but I can't be arsed to fix this...".
« Last Edit: 09 January, 2012, 01:05:36 PM by Gont »
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Re: so how is it? :)
« Reply #14 on: 09 January, 2012, 01:18:11 PM »

I've started to make a sith assassin (lvl6) on Kumunagh (where my lvl43 BH is).

If you guys play Empire on Lord Calypho then I can join you with the sin there, won't be on much tho as the BH is sooooo much fun to play.

played republic for a bit....never again.
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