TS3 server has a new IP, read here for more info (only available to TDA members)
05 September, 2008, 01:45:32 PM by delay
Views: 16338 | Comments: 0 Just a heads-up for all you old FoMsies out there: if you were a FoM member then you're now a TDA member. You don't need to apply for membership, just send a wave to one of the FoM officers (look in the Officer member group under Members, and look for names you recognize from FoM), and they should hopefully sort your membership. Just remember to read up on the guild rules! 12 August, 2008, 12:39:20 PM by Fenderon
Views: 37529 | Comments: 27 SimplePortal up and running ! Any news suggestions you have, just create a thread and PM me about it. Edit: If you can't find the forum again.. click on "Forum" at top, or follow this link: http://tda.nu/forum/index.php?action=forum
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