- Real Life Information:Name: Kim
Age: 28
Nationality: Sweden
-Main character and alts:Name: Crotalus Crowyx Croshama Crotalyne Smygarn ( Mostly playing shaman in CV atm! )
Race: Troll Norse Kob Dwarf Kob :-)
Class: Skald Thane Shaman Savage SB
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3 (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids/WvWvW in game)?
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs?
Daoc was my first mmo and lovechild when i started out right before SI hit the servers
Since then i have had many breaks but always seem to return. I played on Excalibur
and at the time my main was a SM named Mermac, the guild i played with for many years was
Aesir's blade, which still i believe is active in ESO and GW2. I have tried most Mmo's at this point
The ones i have played for longer periods has been EQ2, EVE & WoW, other than daoc that is :-)
Why do you want to join our guild?
There seems to be a alot of classic server players and
EU players, and a overall nice guild :]
What would you expect of the guild?
Cool people and good times to be had in the game i guess
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
Some of my characters are still guilded in Svea Ulvar EU which i had a blast playing with
But the guild is very inactive and its time to move on
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
I dont! yet
What are your normal playtimes?
usually after 19.00 CET, varies though, i have young kids