TS3 server has a new IP, read here for more info (only available to TDA members)
15 July, 2017, 05:49:32 PM by climbatize | Views: 20066 | Comments: 0
Hello everyone. If you're not already aware we have added new forum sections for two upcoming games. - Crowfall - Ashes of Creation Both games are in development stages and are said to be released by the end of next year (Crowfall - might come out sooner, on the other hand AoC ... 02 November, 2015, 11:24:53 AM by Fenderon
Views: 17838 | Comments: 0 From around midnight (CET) until I wake up and get it up and running again (around 8ish am tomorrow morning) Edit: aaand it's back! \o/
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