The Dark Alliance

Open Area => General Discussion => Topic started by: Joric on 13 September, 2006, 08:19:03 AM

Title: Scrolls - keep vs. sell?
Post by: Joric on 13 September, 2006, 08:19:03 AM
Hi there,
I am not that experienced with all the artifact stuff but there are the scrolls you get in ToA... you need 1/3..3/3 to combine for a book - ok.

But: which ones are the good, valuable, which the one to sell right away?

Ok - you can look up which scroll is needed for which artifact etc. - but there's more. What are the rare ones, which are the ones always good to keep and so on... what is mostly used in peoples templates is coming into play here for sure.

Please share your opinion - I just wanna know better when farming what to do with the huge load of stuff in my backpack and don't sell the good ones to a merchant but safe for me/guild/CM use :)


P.S. I know from yesterday that "Arbiter" is valuable since everyone likes CB.
Title: Scrolls - keep vs. sell?
Post by: delay on 13 September, 2006, 08:22:47 AM
think SoM (regarding shades) 3o3 is sought for, but i'm not sure.. just have the impression... *shrugs* i hate scrolls.
Title: Scrolls - keep vs. sell?
Post by: Aerendur on 13 September, 2006, 09:22:14 AM
Overall its quite simple, if the scroll is for an artifact many people use, then keep it, if not then keep 1 spare and ditch rest.

Stuff like gov, cb, zo'arkat, maddenings, som, js always come in handy.
Title: Scrolls - keep vs. sell?
Post by: Kivik on 13 September, 2006, 12:58:05 PM
I sometimes farm in Kithara's Sanctuary, Mesothalassa.

Those are the scrolls I always keep:

Apprentice Notes - Bracer of Zo'arkat
Arbiter Papers - Ceremonial Bracer
Crafter's Pages - Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone
Inscribed Stone - Winged Helmet
Egg of Youth - Egg of Youth
Tyrus' Epic Poem - Crocodile Tear Ring
Wall Glyph - Traitor's Dagger
Phoebus' Letters - Phoebus' Harp

Then there are others I sometimes keep, but rarely sell them for more than 50g. Or some guildie requested for them.

And then we have scrolls from other zones, wich I don't farm.

Bane of Battler - Battler
Malice's Axe - Malice's Axe
Regarding Shades - Shades of Mist
A Love Story - Guard of Valor
Mad Tales - Maddening Scalars
Tarin's Animal Skin - Jacina's Sash

All those scrolls and artifacts are the MOST used ones, I believe.

/EDIT You can't sell scrolls anyways, I always do /destroy. But some just keep them all, I've more than once destroyed scrolls that I later would need.
Title: Scrolls - keep vs. sell?
Post by: Aerendur on 13 September, 2006, 01:48:26 PM
Yeah its hard to decide what to do with scrolls often. I just keep 2 books spare on my merchant. Rest I destroy unless they are of those named by kivik, since more books of those are more than welcome. :)
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