The Dark Alliance

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 on: 17 October, 2022, 01:25:14 PM 
Started by Bourlog - Last post by Fenderon

Some of us are still around :-)
daoc was a big part of my life at one point too.. too big of a part, really.
I have tried other MMOs later, but nothing ever came close to what that game - and more importantly - you guys, provided of content and companionship.

Personally I'm doing great, even if real life has really stolen quite a lot of my gaming time (perhaps that is for the best).
moved in with GF back in 2007, and we're still together. Two (soon to be three) dogs and three cats.
I still play games of course, but it's more of the "fast exit is possible" or the kinds that can be paused.

Nice to hear from you! Imagine you joined us over half your life ago.

 on: 16 October, 2022, 09:23:15 PM 
Started by Bourlog - Last post by Bourlog
I'm not sure why, but every once in a while I google 'daoc mid excalibur" to see if I might find any screenshots from the good old days of DAoC.

And for me, synonymous with DAoc is TDA. So I go to this forum for some unknown reason.
I was finally able to log in after all these years and say hi to you all if anyone is still around.

I just realized I joined this forum 17 years ago. Insane. I was 14 years old when I leveled that goddamn BD.

I've realized that DaoC was such a massive part of my life back then. It was a way for me to escape my otherwise boring life at the time and get lost in an absolutely fantastic fantasy world. I've played many games since then but nothing comes close to the RvR that was DaoC.

Not sure what I wanted to say with this. But I hope you are all doing good. And thank you for all the great memories.

/bour (I actually dinged 50 on the BD)

 on: 23 September, 2021, 11:48:23 PM 
Started by Mambopoa - Last post by Mambopoa
Wow so this been nearly a year since I last posted.

I have been speaking to a friend about a new off set smoker, or weber smoky mountain.

Did a cook over the past weekend, neighbour's son wanted to see stuff being cooked.
So did my usual, ribs with my rub, pork pepper and salt, the my brisket.
I also cursed some brisket over the past week, so that became corned beef and pastrami.

Sorry no photos, but as things open up I thought I had better get cooking again.
The main panic was the broken on/off switch on the smoker, so had to repair that first.

But gave me a buzz to try things again, so will have to start doing more and back to the photos. :D


 on: 29 August, 2021, 07:21:09 PM 
Started by Gont - Last post by TenzorDK
Open beta in New World 9th to the 12 of September ... the first one is free! :P

 on: 14 August, 2021, 09:33:38 AM 
Started by Gont - Last post by Aerendur
I also come by every now and then, when I see something of someone familiar from the TDA days. And we're all still not old, just more busy with things, so less insane gaming hours.

It would be cool to get a small gang together again, perhaps we can meet up in New World (as Tenzor has asked lately). Or in some other way, would be cool to catch up and get a small oldschool feeling.

Best regards,
Puz/Nayna or however else I've appeared over the years. :)

 on: 11 August, 2021, 08:40:10 AM 
Started by Gont - Last post by TenzorDK
Finally found my password!
Greetings old fart! it is I Tenzor :P
I, like the rest, also miss them good old days (and the boys), but alas some move on and even get a life! I myself still play MMO's but a lot more casually. I pop by GW2 at times but it is not the same as a solo adventure. I will also attend New World. It seems like it has stolen some good stuff from GW2, and WAR, and more... but we will see :)

Let me know if more join in. Maybe we could all join some community or some :)

Best regards

 on: 26 July, 2021, 07:23:50 PM 
Started by Gont - Last post by Hanza
well, apparently i pop around way less than i should :D

 still lights my heart to read such post :) TDA was a great place to be full of nice people and its uniqueness probably makes it special. despite all the games and communities i ve tried since my DAoC days i never felt a better place than this.

we all grow old and change but i still thiunk about this group of good people very often.

 if some of you are still casually gaming i m probably gonna jump into Amazon's new world. much more casualy than i used to but still how can i let a three faction pvp go without giving it a try ? :D

take care all of you, and hopefully see you soon

 on: 23 April, 2021, 11:09:40 PM 
Started by Killrake - Last post by Killrake
WE still going strong in DaoC if someone wanna resub tell me I will help u all :-)

u can test and play for free w/o paying :-)

Best game ever

 on: 21 March, 2021, 04:10:07 PM 
Started by Gont - Last post by delay
I agree with you both, I think!
TDA holds a really special place in my heart, with such very fond memories of many an hour spent in a few games, with all you very nice people.
My DAoC accounts are about old enough to buy beer, now. Drive a car, even.
I still play games of course, but the rotation is higher and not all games are as fun for everyone, or for as long, or even at the same time!
It is, perhaps, time to let fond memories be just fond memories...

 on: 18 March, 2021, 08:47:48 AM 
Started by Gont - Last post by Joric
Hi Gont,
I pop in here too... from time to time. And I miss the community. I already felt old, when I joined the Hibernian Devils in DAoC - this is where it started for me - and it didn't get better over the years. I still feel kinda close to the people I played with and talked to - I even met some in RL.

So why did it stop? Life changes for everyone I guess. When I was younger I could work 10+ hours each day, drive from and to work 2 hours and still play 3-4 hours on many days. I can't do that now. Between 9 and 10pm I get sleepy and head for my bed... no big raids and online sessions for me atm. Sure, there are the weekends... but theres also more than just playing games.

Also the new games doesn't appeal to me. I miss the story, it's too much about non-stop-killing and the mechanics are also mjeh. I am looking for games, where I can play a few - rather short - rounds/missions when I feel like it. AoV (Arena of Valor) - a mobile MOBA - is an example. Atlas Reactor was nice - servers are down sadly. Turn-based games like XCOM, Invisible Inc. and Shadowrun also fit in my daily life.

As I can't throw things away easily I will probably stay here for a bit longer. You never know... maybe something happens ;)

All the best to you, mate!

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