TS3 server has a new IP, read here for more info (only available to TDA members)
02 November, 2013, 02:39:39 PM by delay
Views: 23717 | Comments: 6 Hey, just a heads-up for those of you that are recording video of gameplay... EchelonIV just introduced me to this new thing included in nVidia drivers, ShadowPlay. Allegedly it will use something like 5% of your GPU power to record whatever you're playing, and it records always, so you just hit a button to get those last 10 minutes saved (something cool happened, won an awesome fi... 18 April, 2013, 07:57:45 PM by delay
Views: 14758 | Comments: 1 Forum might be inaccessible intermittently because of a minor power outage (read [in Norwegian]). 16 July, 2012, 01:21:25 PM by Fenderon
Views: 16210 | Comments: 3 Greetings. There was a problem with the server that hosts tda.nu - therefor we have lost posts that were made yesterday and today (if any). I know of at least Feitens post about joining us in the secret world is gone. Appears it was not to be avoided - sorry about this.
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