I have been playing DAoC for a few years and have recently come across to Midgard as I want to experience some new classes and areas. Previously I have done a lot of PvE on Albion (and I still play there a bit) but like I said, I like the game and would like a change.
I am currently playing a warrior and shaman as my mains, and have other characters waiting to train up after this.
I am not looking for items, gold or power-levelling as I prefer to do things the 'traditional way'. Really I just want someone to talk to when I am playing, who I can maybe ask for help on some of the harder missions (40/45 epics, Level 40 final champ quest etc.). In exchange, I will of course help out when things need doing. Currently my mains are Season 45, and the others are around the 10-20 level.
Like I said, I have done a fair bit of PvE on Albion, and so I know the Master Levels pretty well, so I am also happy to help out with group steps etc or to join in with BG raids. I have tried most things PvE (dragons, Epic Dungeons etc) and would like to experience some more in my new realm.
I don't really do RvR as it doesn't really appeal to me. In any case, it wouldn't feel quite 'right' after playing Albion (although I don't RvR there either).
Hopefully you will allow me to take a trial period in your Guild to see if I fit in. I am currently generally on with my warrior (Hluffir) and shaman (Gleawon), evenings from around 7pm UK time.