- Real Life Information:
Name: Matt
Age: 23
Nationality: English
- Character Information (if you have one):
Name: Mazzer
Race: Chaos
Class: Magus
- Other details:
Do you have any alts, and if so are they in another guild? No
Are you able to use Ventrilo (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids in game)?
- Personal Questions (Please describe yourself):
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs? Daoc!, swg (beta only), FFXI online(briefly), WoW(briefly)
What are your goals in this game?
To enjoy it, explore pve as far as i can, and try to be successful in rvr, just have some fun really
Why do you want to join our guild?
The un-guilded world in this game is very lonely for some reason
Im looking for a healthy guild that has a nice size of members and experience that i can become a part of.
What would you expect of the guild?
Guild events - such as pve/pvp raids now and then, a place players can share knowledge and experience of the game, a fun environment that can replace the silence found in /p and /s.
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
I was a long term member of Phoenix Legion from Prydwen Daoc server, they have gone order on a different server so i've had to go a different path. It looks like you guys have what i am looking for in a guild.
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
What are your normal playtimes? weekdays from 6pm ish (gmt) weekends from whenever:)