- Real Life Information:
Name: Mark Thinggaard Udesen
Age: 15
Nationality: Denmark
- Character Information (if you have one):
Name: Imbahealz
Race: Asmodian
Class: Cleric
- Other details:
Do you have any alts, and if so are they in another guild? I have another char named Elektric assassin asmodian. He arent in a guild.
Are you able to use Ventrilo (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids in game)? Yes i got my own ventrilo server. So yes : D
- Personal Questions (Please describe yourself):
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs? I have been playing wow for 3 years.
What are your goals in this game? Get high lvl pvp/pve and get some friends.
Why do you want to join our guild? Some of my old guild mates left.
What would you expect of the guild? Fun and friendly.
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us? Yes i was in a guild before named GASP.
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you? Maybe GASP or Uran.
What are your normal playtimes? 5-6 hours but i play css aswell..