Hey There!
- Real Life Information:Name: Daniel
Age: 20
Nationality: Kinda torn apart between Middle Eastern to Russian (was born in russian, moved to Israel Oo)
- Character Information (if you have one):Name: Kiryuo
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
I was never able to play alts, always frustrated me in all the games I've played.
always sticking to one character
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3 (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids/WvWvW in game)?
I'm able to use TeamSpeak3 on weekends, not during the week. (Some Personal matter that I'll keep to myself).
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs?
Was playing WoW Till level 40, Played Lineage on the private Cerberus server and hit hero as a Dreadnaught.
was pretty heavily active in pvp and endgame dungeons there
What are your goals in this game?
To enjoy all the aspects in the game, from crafting legendary weapon to just leveling in wvwvw and doing some dungeons for fun
Why do you want to join our guild?
Because I've ran a ac dungeon run with some guildie of yours (Tenzor) and then i spoke to him abit, Seemed like a cool person so I guess good people go into good guilds, no?
What would you expect of the guild?
To be highly skilled and yet friendly
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
I'm in a guild called Hunters atm, its a guild with 350 members that people hardly know each other and do something
with each other except the bounty hunts, I dont want that kind of a guild, I want to know the people I play with, to run dungeons with them, do wvw!
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
I believe Tenzor Nightstorm can vouche for me
What are your normal playtimes?
I usually play at the weekends and sometimes in the evening during the week, dont expect me to be Super active because I'm in a mandatory service atm.
Other than that, I've been playing guildwars 2 since launch, and couldn't find a decent guild to stay in.
tried creating my own guild but it was hard considering I couldn't be active enough to be a leader.