Name: Fabio
Age: 20
Nationality: Italy
-Main character and alts:
Race: Amenti
Class: Priest
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3 (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids/WvWvW in game)?
Yes i am.
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs?
I started playing wow on retail when i was around 10, few months after tbc came out. From that moment I've been mosly doing pve, clearing BT as warrior tank. I've then switched to holy paladin in WOTLK clearing up to 11/12 ICC 25 hero. I havent played alot after that, especially due to lack of fun on the next expansions. I've played several other mmorpgs like aion ( only for a few months while it was new ) and tera, but nothing as special as wow. I've played on feenix wow, doing a few bosses in bwl, then started playing Nostalrius when it came out, clearing the whole content as holy priest.
Why do you want to join our guild?
To be honest, the main reason is raid time. There are alot of sweden/east european people playing, and the fact i'm italian usually gives me problems due to raid time ( I go to the university in the afternoon, so because of it + dinner I'd be late for most of guild's raid times ). Apart from that, i find this guild strong enough to let me reach my goal, which is to clear the old naxxramas. I also feel like this would be a funny and social enviroment to play in.
What would you expect of the guild?
As i said, a guild I can raid in with no raid time problems, that wants to clear the content while playing in a social and friendly enviroment.
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
I've been in redlords, where i cleared the content and equipped myself. They have a few memebers now so i had to quit. I've joined fracture but they raid times are a problem for me.
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
I actually don't.
What are your normal playtimes?
I usually play sometimes around morning-evening, now that I don't go to school due to exams period, also during the afternoon if i'm not studying. I might have problems with raid time tho, which means i probably won't be able to start raiding at 20.00 everytime. I could be able to stay afk in sw tho for the buff while invited, even if I'd be up ( as i said, not everytime, but still ) from around 20.15-20.30.
Ps : i don't know if it's needed or not, btw I have 4/8 ts pieces, a few bwl-mc items, benediction and few blues left.
Thanks for your time!