A couple of days ago we joined a new alliance. This alliance is supposed to be a bit more active, and most guilds will have at least 15+ members online every night.
Other guilds that already are in the alliance are: Head Hunters, The Damned, Futilez, Lords of England, Royal Legion, Unleashed.
The alliance has a forum at the address:
http://www.havoc-kep.infoYou can sign up there as well, and write a message in the "forum access" thread to get the right permissions.
Everyone should have access to both read and write in the alliance chat, remember that each new character need to be promoted when they join TDA. If you don't have access to Alliance chat, send Big (Bigthing, Bigsista, Bigfeets) a PM and he will promote you

I'm sure Jack can write a bit more why we left the old alliance and joined this one.