Hi great members of TDA!
Real Life Information:
Name: (you will never know this bwuahahah)
Age: 19 (5 for the brain)
Nationality: italian
Character Information:
Name: Uzquizz
Race: Greenskin
Class: Squig Herder
Rank: 30
Other details:
Alts: have got 3 other lvl40 characters in the italian server(nothing else in 8peaks),but i've stopped using them cause the server was unbalanced and boring.
Ventrilo:yes,i use it,but i prefear listening only,i don't have a microphone now and a frog may speak better than me
Personal Questions:
I played many free mmorpg ,Guildwars,WoW(this one for too much time)
I'd like to join the guild to have fun with someone else,to have an active chat to socialize a bit,but i don't want to have childrens yet...
Joining a guild is the best way to enjoy the game,i know that is a well organized guild, so i will improve my ingame-happyness joining all kind of RvR,PvE,beer-parties events!
I'm trying to join TDA because i've seen a lot of members around the game and it's english speaking guild.
Not proud about my playing time...just know i'm active enough
Thanks for the time spent for reading this post ,and mr ?? woulds like you know he's not crazy...just "special"