As I've mentioned in an earlier post, we're generally happy with the overall difficulty but will be making a few adjustments for 1.2.
- Reduced Health on non-boss encounters
- Caelia the Stormtouched will be modified to be more understandable
- Gronik's power gain will be nerfed
- Rictus ground target ability will be nerfed a bit
- Gatekeeper Kaleida will have the range of some of the crystal abilities reduced and will ignore line of sight
- Scarn's smouldering bones will stay on fire longer
- Ice Talon and the Falconer will have their health pools slightly reduced
- King's Breach Manticores will not instantly use their special abilities
- Shadehorror Phantasm will no longer spawn minions on pets
We will also be making some particular changes to make some encounters more melee balanced
- Ragnoth's whips have reduced range, duration, and effectiveness
- Fae Lord Twyl will no longer have any 'safe' locations
- Sparkwing's PBAE will have a reduced range. His chained bolt will now work properly on ranged targets.
- Konstantin's cleave will no longer be 360 degrees. Players that are in melee range will get a damage bonus.
- Glubmuk's poison bolt will no longer hit melee.
- Chillblains' elementals will no longer prefer to spawn on the closest targets
- Queen Valnara's ground effect she drops on her location will hurt less.
- Ouldare's special abilities will share a cooldown.
- Luggodhan's goo will no longer target the tank