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Application - Coust


- Real Life Information:

Name: Alex
Age: 27
Nationality: Swedish

-Main character and alts:

Name: Coustie
Race: Frostalf
Class: Healer

(active alt (CV))
Name: Coustors
Race: Troll
Class: Skald

Are you able to use TeamSpeak3 (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids/WvWvW in game)?

What is your previous experience with MMORPGs?
Daoc was the first MMO i played, started on Excalibur, mid, in a guild called Aesir's Blade. I've also played WoW since the release with some break from time to time.

Why do you want to join our guild?
I'm looking for a big active guild.

What would you expect of the guild?
Alot of fun, and alot of RvR :)

Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
I've played mostly on Alb, but this time when I resubbed I really wanted to play mid, since it was where it all began, and I love the Healer class. My guild on Alb is called Unified Redemption.
Last time I played on mid, while leveling up my chars, I played in Svea Ulvar, and it was dead when I resubbed this time.

Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
Only my friend who recently joined you guys - Crotalus

What are your normal playtimes?
Since I live in Sweden,work fulltime and have a family to take care of, my playtime aint that regular... But I try to play a few hours every day between 16-23 CET.


Send myself (Gwig) or Muylock, happy to invite.



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