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Author Topic: Application - Coust  (Read 14043 times)


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Application - Coust
« on: 29 March, 2016, 08:17:45 PM »

- Real Life Information:

Name: Alex
Age: 27
Nationality: Swedish

-Main character and alts:

Name: Coustie
Race: Frostalf
Class: Healer

(active alt (CV))
Name: Coustors
Race: Troll
Class: Skald

Are you able to use TeamSpeak3 (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids/WvWvW in game)?

What is your previous experience with MMORPGs?
Daoc was the first MMO i played, started on Excalibur, mid, in a guild called Aesir's Blade. I've also played WoW since the release with some break from time to time.

Why do you want to join our guild?
I'm looking for a big active guild.

What would you expect of the guild?
Alot of fun, and alot of RvR :)

Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
I've played mostly on Alb, but this time when I resubbed I really wanted to play mid, since it was where it all began, and I love the Healer class. My guild on Alb is called Unified Redemption.
Last time I played on mid, while leveling up my chars, I played in Svea Ulvar, and it was dead when I resubbed this time.

Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
Only my friend who recently joined you guys - Crotalus

What are your normal playtimes?
Since I live in Sweden,work fulltime and have a family to take care of, my playtime aint that regular... But I try to play a few hours every day between 16-23 CET.


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Re: Application - Coust
« Reply #1 on: 29 March, 2016, 08:52:04 PM »


Send myself (Gwig) or Muylock, happy to invite.

My name is Wod, but most people just call me Wod.

Clanger, Wodster, Gwig, Playernotfound, Fokke, Horth, Eter.

Former Hib for my past sins!

Introducing binge drinking to the world!
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