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Author Topic: Hey  (Read 22150 times)


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« on: 16 October, 2022, 09:23:15 PM »

I'm not sure why, but every once in a while I google 'daoc mid excalibur" to see if I might find any screenshots from the good old days of DAoC.

And for me, synonymous with DAoc is TDA. So I go to this forum for some unknown reason.
I was finally able to log in after all these years and say hi to you all if anyone is still around.

I just realized I joined this forum 17 years ago. Insane. I was 14 years old when I leveled that goddamn BD.

I've realized that DaoC was such a massive part of my life back then. It was a way for me to escape my otherwise boring life at the time and get lost in an absolutely fantastic fantasy world. I've played many games since then but nothing comes close to the RvR that was DaoC.

Not sure what I wanted to say with this. But I hope you are all doing good. And thank you for all the great memories.

/bour (I actually dinged 50 on the BD)


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Re: Hey
« Reply #1 on: 17 October, 2022, 01:25:14 PM »


Some of us are still around :-)
daoc was a big part of my life at one point too.. too big of a part, really.
I have tried other MMOs later, but nothing ever came close to what that game - and more importantly - you guys, provided of content and companionship.

Personally I'm doing great, even if real life has really stolen quite a lot of my gaming time (perhaps that is for the best).
moved in with GF back in 2007, and we're still together. Two (soon to be three) dogs and three cats.
I still play games of course, but it's more of the "fast exit is possible" or the kinds that can be paused.

Nice to hear from you! Imagine you joined us over half your life ago.
Proud member of TDA
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