Since thursday my computer started crashing at weird times. The first time was thursday night, I was watching some footie on my second screen and playing daoc on my main one. And suddenly it all just froze. No more sound, both screens kept showing what they had been on. Since it was late, I just figured Id let it rest and check in the monring.
In the morning my pc wouldnt start. It would sometimes get to the windows loading bar and get stuck or bsd, or it woudlnt even get past the bios loading screen for it to get stuck.. After two hours of no real change it suddenly booted up and ran for a few hours. Only to crash again in the afternoon.
Then I decided to try and make a fresh install for vista. So I booted from dvd (and got stuck in the loading screens a few times and on other randoms spots) to finally manage a new install. This install has been running since yesterday afternoon (and Im slowly building it out).
Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I was thinking either mainboard or powersupply issues. But they are so random and the computer can run for several hours just fine now, wth is wrong?
And then for the other part, Im considering buying a new pc and making this one run as my second. But I have no clue about the current hardware and the like. So which bits should I go for and why?
Checked out a link kivik gave me on msn, a good bet migh tbe 3 gig quad core + asus p5k + geforce 8800 gts.
All comments are welcome!
Thanks in advance