- Real Life Information:
Name: Mika
Age: 16
Nationality: Finnish
- Character Information (if you have one):
Name: Rokz
Race: Asmodian
Class: Spiritmaster
- Other details: -
Do you have any alts, and if so are they in another guild? None
Are you able to use Ventrilo (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids in game)?
I have ventrilo and a mic.
- Personal Questions (Please describe yourself): A humoristic and friendly guy. Always giving out his best. Hobbies are breakdancing, which Iv been doing for 6 years now.
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs? World of warcraft for 4 years and WAR
What are your goals in this game? To have a good nice playing enviroment and get to try out the toughest instances and raids in the game.
Why do you want to join our guild? I love to play as a big group, join a keep defence when enemy forces are attacking it, be able to challenge the most dangerous instances. It just brings so many new aspects to games when playing in a group, and Im willing to give out my best shot for the group.
What would you expect of the guild? as I said, I want a group that I can pve, pvp and have fun with
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us? I looked around abit these sites and this looked like a really interesting guild.
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you? None
What are your normal playtimes? I play usually pretty much, soon as I get from school, I play the whole day. ( ofc because of school I can not play very late, I can play at evenings but no at night), But at weekends I usually play.. the whole day xD I have exam weeks sometimes so they are pretty PITA, and I cant really play that much then, but I still play those times. Also maybe sometimes there might be a small trip Im going to so then I also will not be able to play (not very often tough). Despite from that all I still try to join evry guild activity I can.
(If the age is a problem then if there is any chance to get a trial time in the guild, I would really appreciate it)