Hi, I'd like to apply for membership of The Dark Alliance. I'm currently a member of the Dragon Cabal in The Secret World, I have a preorder for GW2 also.
- Real Life Information:
Name: Leon Kirk
Age: 36
Nationality: English
- Character Information (if you have one):
Name: Kulthea
Race: Human
Class: Bee-infused Agent of Gaia
- Other details:
Do you have any alts, and if so are they in another guild?
A practically fresh Templar, unguilded, will be making an Illuminati.
Are you able to use Ventrilo (Voice chat program that we use alot for raids in game)?
Ventrilo shouldn't be a problem
- Personal Questions (Please describe yourself):
What is your previous experience with MMORPGs?
Started playing many many years ago in Everquest, have since played Everquest 2, Lineage 2, City of Heroes, DDO, Eve online (very briefly), Guild Wars, Entirely too much WoW (nearly 8 years), Star wars for 4 months, Rift for a few weeks and Tera for about a week.
What are your goals in this game?
To have fun, maybe try a bit of PvP.
Why do you want to join our guild?
I'm a RL friend of Gont, he suggested it when I first started The Secret World.
What would you expect of the guild?
Just to have an online presence, nothing sadder than an empty guild channel.
Have you been in a guild before and if so, why do you prefer us?
Been in a guild before in other games, not this one htough
Do you know anyone from our guild that can vouch for you?
Gont, and Telenikros (not sure of his TDA name though).
What are your normal playtimes?
Evenings mostly, 6pm-11pm GMT.